Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pretty Clamshells

A couple of weeks ago I taught my Pretty Clamshell quilt to eight fun ladies at The Patchwork Angel

This is the class sample.

You will have to turn your head for some of the photos (sorry) to see how the girls progressed in class.

Vicki S




Michelle McG


Gale came to class with a plan to create a background then appilque images on top.  I have seen it finished already and it looks great.  I love that students take what they learn and go another step forward.


thank you ladies for coming to my class and sharing your time and humour with each other. I look forward to seeing these finished someday, no pressure....

and hopefully in another class with me.

The next class I am teaching is a Lone Star.  This is over two Saturdays, one in May and the other in June.  Contact the girls at The Patchwork Angel for details, last I heard there are a couple of spots left.