My birthday was last Friday, one of my days at the Patchwork Angel. It was quite busy all day and my phone kept beeping with text messages, which was lovely but I didn't get to reply to until later at night. I am sorry for the late reply guys. My husband had gone to the AC/DC concert in Brisbane the night before so no cup of tea in bed. I did get flowers from the girls at work. We headed out for a lovely dinner, cause no way was I cooking, with just the four of us and then home early for ice cream.
I then had my family come up for lunch on Sunday. They all live in Brisbane, which is about 1 ½ hours drive south of me. We had not seen each other since Christmas so there was lots to catch up on.
Everyone had good news and some bad news to share. We all got a chance to share and listen, support and comfort and laugh and cry. It was all very relaxed and wonderful.
Mum got a medallion for 25 years of work with the State Government, new plans for the back deck roof. She brought up stuff from home that belonged to one of my sisters, she was not sure who's, and I'm not sure I would of claimed them if they were mine. There was a G String leotard from the nineties – Avril claimed them and then put them on over her clothes – gee what a sight that was.
Avril was showing us the beautiful beads and jewelry she has made since last time. She makes the beads from scratch with rods of glass that look like lolly sticks in her studio at home. Heather was her model for the day. Avril has an ETSY shop for her beads plus some pieces are going on display at Southbank later this month. Avril is in the green top and Heather in the white top.
I had gotten an email from a sister for my birthday wish list during the week. I have a lot of trouble with that. I don't need anything, nor do I expect anything. I things I would like are all quilting related and that can be difficult for the Non-Quilter to find, get or know what it even is. So I put in a request for secondhand, vintage crockery. It had to have pink on it somewhere and only if they had time to look. I currently have a cream dinner set that my MIL gave me before she was my MIL and it has survived very well over that last 17 years, but a change is needed, but I have issues about throwing things out when they are still in good condition. So my plan is to incorporate the vintage finds in with what I have. Then when the vintage gets to the point where I have enough for 12 people then the cream set will then be donated to charity.
Well, Mum, Chrissie and Heather went secondhand shopping and had fun. Chrissie said she could easily be a collector, if she just had the room. She got me the two small coffee cups with saucers. Heather found 2 matching tea cups and saucers and Mum found the lovely pink plates. On her way to my house, Mum stopped at a garage sale IN MY STREET and picked up the pink bowl.
Avril made me the gorgeous pink bead necklace.
I am really lucky to have my Mum and sister, I thought it was wonderful that they spent the time searching for the right gift for me at places that are not in their normal routine or comfort zone. But they all sounded excited about their adventure into the world of vintage shopping and hopefully did not spend a lot of money either.
Thank guys for a wonderful birthday.
Happy belated Birthday Fiona! it was nice to meet you in chat tonight!