Friday, January 14, 2011

Bound for Glory

Kitty's quilt is bound. I finished it a couple of nights ago but have not been able to photograph it.

I'm really happy with this quilt - I think I will have to name this quilt though any suggestions...

I will wash her quilt over the weekend then try and get it to her.. they are right in the Brisbane city which is flooded this week.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Okay, so I got the binding today at work during a big down pour of rain.

The binding is now machined on, i will hand stitch it down tonight whilst watching "The Expendables". The quilt is from the book "Two from One Jelly Roll quilts" and is called "Square Dance". It measures only 39" x 51" and only uses half of a jelly roll and set on point. With the other half I will make another quilt from the book for another baby due around april.

Thought I had turned it the right way - sorry

I have moved onto finishing another top. I made the blocks last week when on holidays at a friends house. The quilt is called "If the Hat Fits" and is from a Buggy Barn book called "Frightfully Crazy". The kids and I love it.

So today I got the sashing and borders done. Now I would like to quilt it with some silver thread and do spiderwebs in the sashing and stars in the blocks

It is still pouring with rain so whats a girl to do but Stitch and Stitch and feed the kids

Monday, January 10, 2011

No I Missed the boat (or stork)

I should of checked my emails before being so cocky about getting it done. I thought my sister was booked into thearte around 4pm - last for the day.

But nooooooooo

Little Kitson was born at 1.31pm today weighing 3.6 kg

both are well according to dad.....

I think I made it

Hi all

I have finished the quilting like I had hoped to today.

I am going into work tomorrow to meet a customer so I will have to find binding then. And I still have to give the quilt a final trim but I'm happy with what I got done since 8.30am yesterday.

No news yet from my sister or her partner or my mum, who is apparently there, as to the time of our new arrival

so as at 4.27pm(time on my computer) on January 10th 2011 I have finished as far as I can and as far as I said I wanted before she (kitty) arrives.

The Top is complete

I have the top together now


pressed and corner triangles added

I have not been a big fan to the Disappearing Nine Patch, but I do like this quilt, the small scale of the blocks appeals to me. Plus i do like this range of fabric - Posh by Chez Moi.
Very cute for a girl

another random quilt from last year

now to lunch then quilting

Time is Ticking away

My Sister is at the hospital filling in the forms

I am at the half way point of putting the rows together


This morning I will be dropping the kids at vacation care, getting my hair cut, off to the shops for a couple of things



I should get the top finished rather quickly

then I will have to see if the quilter can get it done for me - oh wait - thats me also. It is a cot size so it shouldn't take long to be done. If I can get the quilting done by the end of today I will be very happy. The binding will take me into tomorrow but I wont get to see the baby for a couple of days anyway.

So she will not think of me as the slack Aunty who has had months to make something instead of leaving it to the last 24 hours.

Just so you have a picture to also look at - here is a random photo of a quilt I did last year

Stay dry and safe everyone

Sunday, January 9, 2011

getting there

So I cut the 9 patches into 4

then I had to sew them into rows, they will be on point so I have sewn on the setting triangles also.

next step is sewing the rows together - this I will probably do tomorrow now

I could get this done before the baby is born roflol

next step

Here are the nine patches

next lunch

Then I have to cut these into 4 like you would with a Disappearing Nine Patch

Just over 24 hrs to go

Till my new niece arrives!!!!!

I have started a quilt for her this morning and this is where I am at so far

I have started to sew these together into nine patches

stay tuned