This weekend I hope to get some fabric pushed through the machine. All other family members are out, leaving me at home by myself, poor me. Are you jealous???? My daughter is at Scout camp from early Saturday morning to late Sunday afternoon. Hubby and son are helping our friend out Kart racing over the weekend, but home in the evening, so the slow cooker will be getting a work out over the weekend for dinner.
I could list all the projects I hope/would like to get done in that time, but realistically I may get one finished. Hopefully this one
It is a split 9 patch and is for my daughter. It is her quilt for the caravan. Apparently everyone has theirs finished and not hers. I have been working on it slowly for over a year. So this weekend it is the focus and if it gets done then I will feel like I have gotten somewhere and anything else achieved will be a bonus.
I didn't want to make a big list and then only see what was not done.
These are all the parts I need to put together. Above are the pairs of lights and darks. The blocks are totally scrappy for the lights and darks. All squares are 2.5" with the block finishing at 6"
More light squares that need to be added to the red polka dot tucked in there.
I hope to make 132 blocks in a 11 x 12 grid. It should measure at 66" x 72", a nice size for a tweeny..
My essential supplies for the day....
And my sewing table with everything lined up ready to go, no wasting time trying to find what I need, just straight into the sewing.
One more item needed, the Ipad, with music, podcasts and movies for company..
Fingers crossed all goes to plan, starting with a good nights sleep